The Presbyterian Women have been active at Lakewood Presbyterian Church for almost 60 years, and today we are the beneficiary of so many wonderful women (and men) who supported the many activities and missions of Presbyterian Women.
For years, we were the ladies who made sure coffee and donuts were available between church services, but there were many projects that reached beyond the walls of LPC.
The monies we raised in our Circles went to support such efforts as:
Perhaps the mission Esther Circle is most excited about is for a girl named Joanita in Uganda who we have sponsored for a Christian education since she was 10.
Today she is 19 and about to embark to college and we have seen her grow through photos and corresponded with letters. Our circle continues its annual pledge for Joanita to see her through college.
Circles meet monthly for Bible study and this past year we have been blessed by having this year’s author of our study share time with us at LPC and at the PW
Gathering at Montgomery.
Our daytime circle has been meeting for decades, however an evening circle group led by Pastor Joy began this January and there have been 12-16 women joining the study each 4th Tuesday.
PW also includes a fellowship group that meets monthly called Circles and Squares. This mixed circle raises funds to provide a meal quarterly at Sulzbacher, and also go to the shelter to prepare, cook and serve that meal.
Contact us and we will get you connected to this group
Lakewood Presbyterian Church