Let's do life together. We offer multiple small groups for men, women, couples, singles, & families. Our groups meet during the day, in the evening, & various days of the week. Check out our current offerings below. We look forward to doing life together with you.
We joined in 1972 and made friendships through participation in vacation bible school, Sunday school...The friendships and the fellowships created then last even now. - Lee Meadows
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Pattie Pallay will be leading a support group for parents with children of all ages (birth-adult) who are seeking support with children who are neurodivergent, have physical disabilities, are struggling with mental illness or just daily life.
Please register on the
Upcoming Events
page. All are welcome.
When: 2nd Monday of the Month
Where: Youth Hut
6:00 pm
Open to all, the Presbyterian Women have been a firm foundation of the Presbyterian Church for more than 100 years. The LPC PW Circles meet monthly for Bible Study. Please register on the Upcoming Events page. All are welcome.
Daytime Study:
When: 2nd Tuesday of the Month
Time: 10 am
Where: Education Building - Coleman Room
Cost: FREE
Evening Study:
When: 4th Tuesday of the Month
Time: 7:00 pm
Where: Education Building - Coleman Room
Cost: Free
Childcare provided for the evening study only.
Let the good times ROLL!
Please join us for an evening of food, fun, & fellowship. Don't know how to play? Don't worry, we'll teach you! Please bring an appetizer or snack to share. Please register on the Upcoming Events page. All are welcome.
When: 2nd Tuesday of the Month
Time: 6:30 pm
Where: Locations vary
Cost: FREE
Good food, good fellowship, and an opportunity to build lasting friendships is what you'll experience with Circles & Squares. Contact Joy Atkins for more information or to RSVP.
When: Monthly
Time: 5:30 pm
Where: Locations vary
Cost: FREE
Lakewood Presbyterian Church