There is a special Children's Time during the service after which the children & youth are dismissed to Sunday School in the Education Building next door to the Sanctuary. Nursery is available in Room 2 of the Education Building for up to age 4. We have a Cry Room in the back of the Sanctuary with full view of the service as well as the Bride's Room which offers privacy for nursing mothers.
Sunday School for children & youth is available during the school year. During the summer, the children & youth often participate in leading the worship service.
The LPC Youth meets on Sunday afternoon at noon during the school year for service projects, activities, & study. Summer brings opportunities for mission trips, white water rafting, tubing trips, & more.
LPC offers VBS at different times of the year - generally during the summer and near Christmas as a free service to continue ministering to children when school is out.
Lakewood Presbyterian Preschool (LPP) desires to provide a faith based safe, supportive, loving and educational atmosphere for all children without regard to race, religion, or national origin. Click the image to learn more about LPP!
Lakewood Presbyterian Church